Research shows that happy employees do better work. An analysis of various studies showed when employees are happy or satisfied they are 31% more productive which leads to 37% more sales.
*The Harvard Business Review
Resilience and mental wellbeing are high on the agenda, with leading organisations seeking to make employee wellbeing a priority. A 2018 CIPD report suggests that investing in health and wellbeing increases employee morale and engagement, creates a more inclusive culture and lowers sickness absence.
The 2020 Deloitte Monitor report highlights how one in 6 workers are experiencing a mental health problem at any one time, and stress, anxiety and depression are responsible for almost half of working days lost due to health issues.
Leading organisations have moved beyond mission statements and social impact programmes and put humans back at the centre of business strategy. The business case is undeniable with an average ROI of €5 for every €1 spent on mental wellbeing initiatives, increasing to €11 for wellbeing initiatives proactively developing resilience (Deloitte).
Trusted by leading organisations around the world, Wraw is the world’s first psychometric tool and survey to measure resilience and its impact on wellbeing for working people.
At the heart of Wraw is the 5 Pillars of Resilience.
A robustly validated psychometric tool and survey, Wraw provides live data insight into resilience at every level of the organisation. It supports a two-pronged approach to building sustainable, healthy high performance:

- Educate and empower individuals and teams to take ownership of their own resilience and wellbeing.
- Educate and enable managers and leaders to build a safe and supportive working environment.
- Evidence-based strategy built on proven expertise
- Initiatives targeted for maximum ROI
- Data-driven development
- Educated, open and empowered employees
- Non-judgmental response to mental wellbeing
- Low incidence of stress, anxiety and burnout
- Inspired leadership that drives cultural change
- Resilient You– Take ownership of your resilience and wellbeing
- Resilient Teams– Build healthy, high performing teams
- Resilient Leaders– Lead the way for healthy high performance