Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

Everyone’s vision of success is unique and can be difficult to define and achieve alone.

Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

What is the definition of success? Everyone’s vision of success is unique and can be difficult to define and achieve alone.

Coaching will help you identify those goals you want to acheive and discover ways and strategies to reach the next level. At Amella we ask “who’s writing your story”? We also hand you the pen and insist you write a good one. We have one life, lets make it extraordinary!

At Amella we offer a holistic approach to coaching clients that will examine the aspects of your life that will lead you to success, happiness and health. With the belief that everything is connected we approach this from a framework known as the wheel of life; including topics on fun, happiness, time management, family, relationships, finances, education, career, physical health & nutrition

What's Involved

Free initial consultation to clearly identify needs- no obligations On choosing to move forward: 1. A coaching programme will be designed specifically for you 2. Together we create specific agendas for each session, identify the desired outcomes, design strategies for results, set realistic timeframes and milestones against which we will measure our progress. 3. On average we do 4-6 sessions


Young adults, Working Professionals, Athletes, Parents, All Age Groups

What results can i expect?

At Amella whatever the challenge we are not in the business of short term changes but the one of change that sticks and bring long-term results.

Coaching takes place

In our office, Online, In your home, In the workplace

How much does it cost

Tailored packages built for each clients need
Ready to begin?

Book a FREE Holistic Lifestyle Coaching consultation.